Monday, March 30, 2009

My favorite rider wins!

Jens Voigt is my favorite pro rider for a number of reasons. First of all, he doesn't take his shit too seriously. Second, he's both German AND funny. Third, no one gets in more breakaways. No one is more aggressive. He's loyal, selfless, the perfect teammate. Finally, he's older than I am. We're both 37, but he was born in September, and I was born in December.

Voigt won the Criterium International this weekend. It was the fifth time he's won it. That beats Jacque Anquetil's total and ties Raymond Poulidor for the most ever. The Criterium is a particularly cool race, because it's a three stage race (one flat, one mountain, one time-trial) held in two days. It requires all the skills of top-level cycling and all the tenacity of the most hardcore cyclist.

This Cycling News Interview held before the race tells you everything you need to know about this guy.

Here's a choice quote:

CN: The bad weather is good news for you?
JV: Yes, you can say that anything that makes the race bad and difficult is good for me.

In another interview he talks about liking a race where he can throw everybody into the meat grinder, including himself, and see what comes out.

Here's video of him crushing the field at the end of this year's Criterium:

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